Commercial Sealcoating New

Commercial Sealing

What is the most cost effective time cycle for performing pavement maintenance? The answer depends on the local climate, age and condition of the asphalt surface. For that reason, we provide our customers with a FREE annual inspection of their parking surfaces and assist them in establishing a schedule and budget for necessary pavement service and repair.

Asphalt parking lots are an important portion of the property’s value. Our proven technique and quality SEALCOAT materials provides outstanding resistance to water seepage, petroleum spills, oxidation from the sun, and other damaging elements.

Curb Appeal

Customers’ and tenants’ first impression of your property is the parking lot. SEALCOATING with our proven process ensures a positive first impression by enhancing the appearance of your property.

Save Money

An independent study, by the Pavement Coating Technology Center at the University of Nevada at Reno, showed conclusively that maintaining asphalt with seal coat every three years saves an average of $15.25 per square yard or $152,500 for an average commercial parking lot 15 years. This equates to a 48% savings over the coast of an unmaintained parking lot. With oil prices less stable today, these savings are often higher.


Unmaintained pavement leads to minor cracks which become wider and deeper without remedy. If these cracks are not remedied, water and other harmful substances will seep into the base and damage the pavement’s load bearing capacity, ultimately causing pavement failure. The effects of this are shown in serious alligatoring, rutting, and overall pavement failure. Before long, your parking lot is riddled with cracks, potholes and drainage issues that are seemingly beyond repair.

Unmaintained asphalt shows its deterioration and damage quickly, in as little as two years, and cracks and potholes quickly develop. Once the cracking forms, lack of proper maintenance will lead to serious liability issues caused by severe potholes and your pavement investment will be in risk of complete failure. The deterioration of unmaintained asphalt happens exponentially faster than maintained asphalt and, consequently, costs much more money over time.


SEALCOAT, specifically refined coal tar, is a mixture of chemicals with a structure that does not allow destructive elements to affect its properties. This material, as a protective coat for asphalt, forms a barrier to protect against weather, salts, oils, and destructive substances that lead to pavement failure. This sealant also restores the asphalt’s rich black color, dramatically improving property appearance. Potential customers’ and guests’ first impression is your parking lot; a fresh, new appearance will be the best presentation no matter your industry.

By consistently protecting the asphalt pavement from deterioration and from failure, you are prolonging the life of your original asphalt by as much as eight years, or almost double the expected life of an unmaintained pavement surface, without considerable investment in an overlay or other significant remedy.

The Benefits To Consistent Parking Lot Maintenance Are Clear:

Protecting your asphalt pavement investment.

Beautify the landscape and appearance

Avoiding serious liability issues to tenants, guest and customers

Plus – save more than 48% over unmaintained pavement.

Protecting your asphalt pavement investment.

Beautify the landscape and appearance

Avoiding serious liability issues to tenants, guest and customers

Plus – save more than 48% over unmaintained pavement.


520 Domigan Rd.
Sunbury Oh 43074

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(614) 634-1841

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